Friday, October 15, 2010

A Coop Full of Crazy (Part 1)

I have chickens.  Four chickens- to be exact.  Their names are as follows: Nettie Buttercup, Lily Sparkles, Esme Chrysanthemum and Sketchy Longneck.  Yep, they are all double-namers.  And yep, I know the names are hilarious.
I have had nine chickens since May of 2009.  In January of that year, I decided I wanted chickens.  I started the frontal assault on Black Hair.  It went something like this:
Earth Momma: I want chickens.
Black Hair: No.
Earth Momma: They would give us eggs and eat all of those pesky mosquitoes.
Black Hair: Hell No
Earth Momma: They would teach our child where her food comes from and how to be a good steward of the earth.
Black Hair: They stink so…NO.  Besides, where would you put them?
Earth Momma:  Oh.  Didn’t I mention that the neighbor down the street is willing to give me his rabbit hutch if I use your truck and get it out of his side yard?   And they only stink if you don’t keep their living area clean.  I can put their poop in the compost pile.
Black Hair: No.  I think they’re illegal.
Earth Momma: OK. Sure, I’ll make you a Power Point presentation of why we should have chickens and the laws don’t actually say I can’t have them.  It was a little vague.  And I won’t get roosters so the neighbors won’t even know they are here.
Black Hair: Whatever.  You don’t know how to make a Power Point and…No.
So in February I did a Power Point presentation (because I needed to prove that I could) and in April I brought home a rabbit hutch, which I cleaned up, rehabbed and painted bright red.  Black Hair wanted it to be orange and blue & GC 1 wanted purple but I trumped everyone and chose red because the mis-tint cheap paint I found was red.  Besides, red is very farm-like and I had visions of urban farming dancing in my deluded little brain.
In May, we took a family outing to the local Feed and Seed and we picked out our chicks.  It went something like this:
Black Hair- I want that one.
Earth Momma:  You don’t get to choose.  You don’t want chickens, remember?
CG1: I want that one.
Earth Momma: Are you sure?  That one looks like it might be a boy and it pecked me.  I think it might be mean.
CG1:  Yes, I’m sure.  I feel sorry for it.  If we don’t take it no one else will.
Black Hair: I want that one.
Earth Momma:  Fine.  But if you choose one you can’t fuss at me later about chicken stuff.
Black Hair:  I’m not making promises but I really like that one.
So, home we went with five little chicks in a cardboard box and enough feed to feed them for a century.  This was the easiest & cheapest pet I have ever purchased.  Or so I ridiculously thought at that moment.
To Be Continued
I'll post the rest of the story next time I have a minute.
Earth Momma

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