Thursday, October 7, 2010

Introduction to me.

I am starting this blog because several important women in my life told me I should.  Now, I am not really known for doing as I’m told but after serious consideration I realized that I think my thoughts as if I am telling someone a story.  Even in my own head I craft how I would tell a thought as a story were I telling it to another person.  So- here I am.  Telling stories.  Mostly I am writing it all down to clear the clutter from my head but I hope you enjoy the results of that process.
A bit about me- I am a 36-year-old mother of two daughters.  I have been with my partner for 13 years.  We have the same name.  Yes, it can be confusing.  People often think I am talking in third person when I tell a story.  Usually, I’m not but it has been known to happen on occasion. 
We live in smallish southern college town and we have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 4 chickens and a turtle.  We have had various fish and once had a visiting guinea pig but he had what looked like a nervous breakdown and went back to his nice safe classroom at the end of summer.  My home is nowhere for prey animals to live and enjoy a sense of safety.  However, I digress.  I will do that a lot.  I can’t help it.  It’s just how I think.
I work very hard at being a mama.  I didn’t really plan to have children and wasn’t one of those little girls who played with baby dolls and dreamed of having kids so when I was presented with the fact that my partner wanted a child and she wanted one NOW I was a little freaked.  Obviously, I adjusted and now we have two seriously amazing girl children that completely fill up our lives and give me more things to laugh about, cry about and freak out about.
 I work full time as does my partner.  Between us we have about 4 jobs.  She has three of those and luckily two of them are very flexible and are done from home.  These have been a blessing in a time of financial instability and even though getting it all done is taxing, we are grateful for every bit of it because it means Christmas will happen, clothes will be purchased and cars will continue to run.
Ok- last paragraph for today.  I am 36 years old.  I am “Generation X”.  I have tattoos. I have piercings. I have a college education.  I have kids, animals and a loving relationship.  I have funny thoughts and have been told I should write them down.  I like commas, run on sentences and useless details.  I love to cook.  I am a bit of a conspiracy nut and I have weird dreams on a regular basis.  Maybe I will remember to write stuff down and maybe it will make you laugh or think a little differently.  Maybe not.  I guess we’ll see.

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